

I'm blocking yet another person here; and since Prosebox deletes all comments between both parties when you do, and since I put a lot of energy into typing the last thing she'll see from me, I'm copy-and-pasting it here. Backstory: Someone probably has a bit of autism, and if they do, I very much sympathize. The person I typed this for, on the other hand, does not. (On the off chance this gets reported and subsequently deleted; like everything else I post, it's being copied to Blogger. I'll put it on Facebook too, just to be thorough.) - - - - - - - - - - - - You opened with the fact that you're the mother of an aspie, and attempted to use that as a badge of authority to insult me for *defending* one. - You can't be much of a *mother* if you think that title gives you the right to criticize and condemn people with the same neurodevelopmental disorder as your son. Despite raising one, you have surprisingly little understanding of the disorder. I feel


I'm the human equivalent of a cactus.  in  People suck. Cats are awesome. Dogs are alright.  June 24, 2017, 5:48 p.m.   |   Public I may well be the Facebook Blocked List Queen. At last count I, I have over 800 names on my Blocked List. I block all republicans, fundamentalist christians, sport hunters, bigots, and anyone who defends anyone who is. After the last presidential election, I blocked a few people I’d previously really wanted to maintain contact with; including my half sister, and a very old friend, because they supported Cheeto Mc.Pussygrabber. And after that, I gave up on Facebook. It seemed like, sooner or later, I was going to block  everyone ; so what was the point of even going there? Obviously I need a new strategy if I’m going back. And I have to go back eventually, to market my art. That’s where I made most of my sales in years past, so it’s something that I have to come up with a plan for. Presently I’m just posting funny crap from Reddit, and up v


Mundanity on a good day:  in  People suck. Cats are awesome. Dogs are alright.  June 24, 2017, 8:30 p.m.   |   Public Mundanity Everybody else writes about their daily pointlessness. Maybe I should too, while I wait for dinner. Be jealous, sundry women, for my mate is a cook of no small talent. I never know what he’s making. He just brings in the food, and I try to act pleasantly surprised, even on burrito days. If he dies before me, I’ll be living on Banquet T.V dinners, and it will suck. Of course I’ll be too suicidal from missing him to care, but that’s not the point. We got over our fight a few days ago, as I knew we would. Been there, done that. At an average of one fight a month, for twenty one years, that’s 252 fights. So it’s no wonder I can predict the outcomes at this point.  He apologized and promised to use actual words next time. (Duh!) We had some  exceptional  sex yesterday. He ignored me while I was washing a cat, after I’d told him half an hour befor


On masks and self-harm:  in  People suck. Cats are awesome. Dogs are alright.  June 25, 2017, 4:31 p.m.   |   Public Other people are afraid of loved ones seeing their diaries. I’m not. I’ve spent my entire life offending and upsetting everyone I know; so I’m transparent. I gave up on trying to only show people the parts of me that I think they’d like a LONG time ago. No matter what I do sooner or later I p!ss off everybody but the most patient and compassionate subset of the population  anyway . Therefore pretending to be something that I’m not is pointless. I’m terrible at maintaining the mask, so I just never even bother to put it on unless I really have to. That’s why this is public, and both the Male and my Australian friend have standing invitations to read it anytime they want. Pretenses just make keeping them straight a pain in the ass. I’m as “real” as it gets. - The Male told me, early in our relationship, that he liked me because I’m not “fake”. - No, I’m definit


 Unread Asenath Waite  Follow  Friend Today in bimbos who need a reality check:  in  People suck. Cats are awesome. Dogs are alright.  June 27, 2017, 8:35 a.m.   |   Public Firstly, I don’t see how this could be construed as an “attack” on anyone, since I don’t mention who it is. At one point I quote her, because it’s relevant, but that’s it. So if my venting is too inflammatory, I’ll just stop coming here, because  venting  is what I created this blog thing  for . I copy everything to Blogger too, so I can shut this down at any time. - I’m well used to getting run out of places, this would hardly be the first. And there’s a reason the Prosebox Facebook page has less than 10k “likes”. With that out of the way: So I just blocked another person here, because her constant complaining about  nothing  finally became unbearable. If this were facebook, I would’ve said something first, but since the vastly inferior blocking system here deletes everything you said to a perso


My species continues to disappoint and confound me.  in  People suck. Cats are awesome. Dogs are alright.  June 28, 2017, 2:55 p.m.   |   Public So yesterday we went to the EOPA to renew PIPP, the program that keeps our power and gas at 6% of our income. - Just to show that it is possible to create successful “masks”, (much like a sociopath), without really understanding what you’re doing, (NOT like a sociopath); the lady who did our paperwork struck me as cute. - (Yes, I’m in a relationship that will probably last me until I’m dead, but that doesn’t make me blind; and some women do look attractive to me. I had a girlfriend once, a long time ago. But I digress.) So without thinking about it at all, I apparently shifted to “flirty” mode, completely unintentionally, and we walked out of there with our back gas bill written off, a free air conditioner and tickets to a baseball game; neither of the last two of which we needed.  sigh and eye roll  Only after the fact, as the Male


A particularly stupid survey, between the neurologist and a nap.  in  People suck. Cats are awesome. Dogs are alright.  June 29, 2017, 3:30 p.m.   |   Public My neurologist is going back to school, and won’t be in his office for a year. Everything’s fine, though; so I’m just not scheduled to see him again until next year. My blood pressure was 98 over 68, but he said that that’s acceptable, since the propranolol is really helping me, and I have no side effects that I’m aware of. I’ve had those stupid tremors since 2000, thinking that they were caused by a blood sugar issue, and unable to see a doctor. All praise be unto Obamacare, now that I’m finally in a state that has it. - I told him that I really appreciate him, that I’d had those shakes for nearly two decades until I saw him; and he seemed pleased to hear that. - I did not mention how striking a smile looks on a dark, Pakistani face; but it does. I called my Mom and tried to explain to her why taking blood pressure